A bird in Hand…

8th September 2017

After his conversion into ornithology by our very own Conservation Officer Gurumse Waldi during one of his ornithological evangelism, Kwopnan Nathaneal in his voluntary walk around the Rennajj Fish farm came across a disabled Malachite Kingfisher (Alcedo cristata) and brought it over to the office, in his own little effort to seek help for the bird.

Unfortunately for him and the bird, we do not have much experience on how to deal with sick and probably disabled birds.

But we advised him and the protection staff Danjuma Markus to place the bird on a vantage point where possible it will possible recover and take its flight.

This simple act of affection shown by Kwopnan gives us the motivation to do more and that what EDEN preaches in the communities is being heard.

This illustrates hope for nature in Nigeria and encouragement that our desire to bring hope to all of God’s creation in Nigeria can be possible.

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